Agapé Bron VZW

Jesus still does
what He promises!

Not a foreword but a word of thanks

A sincere word of thanks to our good Jesus, who continues to take good care of His children. He, Who created everything, the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, man and animal, you name it. Let us honor and thank the Creator and not the creation. However, let us gratefully enjoy this creation every day.

Jesus lives and He wants to tell you so many good things. He is not somewhere far away, but still very close: wherever you are and in whatever situation you are, you can always call Jesus. And wouldn't He, who made the ear and the eye, hear or see you?

People sometimes say: "Where there is a will, there is a way". Know that the Bible says that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus is still the Way, the solution for all your problems and difficulties. He can do everything, even, what’s not possible (anymore) for humans.

In His Word, the Bible, it is written that Jesus is the Truth. It is good to know that, in a world of lies and deceit, there is Someone Who is the Truth and Who tells you this Truth.

Someone Who can really help you and will never deceive you, leave you or let you be put to shame.

Jesus is also Life. He also wants to give you a Life of lasting peace, rest, joy and abundance. That's what He came for, that we too might have Life and abundance. How stressed are we going through life: always working and not having true peace. We are not reflecting enough about true Life.

Jesus wants to be (and to do) much more for you than is described in this website, but let this arouse your hunger and desire for Jesus. Let this be a signpost and a beginning for you to a happier and more joyful Life!

Did this word of thanks touch you, do you recognize yourself in it or do you just want to know more about the AGAPE‐BRON, read on. You have nothing to lose ‐ on the contrary ‐ because Jesus also wants to let you know what He wants to be for you.